
Friday, July 13, 2018

Iranian General Says Awaiting Orders to Destroy Israel

How do the heathens rage!!

Today we read that an Iranian General is camped in Syria just waiting for orders to destroy Israel.  And in Lebanon we hear at the same time that Hezbollah (supported by Iran) has 100,000 missiles in place just ready to launch into Israel.

Meanwhile, most churches are sound asleep to prophecy and have never told their congregants to be watching for the formation of the Russia-Turkey-Iran coalition in Ezekiel 38 and also for the signs that Damascus is about to be destroyed as Isaiah 17 said would happen.

Hossein Salami, the vice commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, recently gave a speech full of threats aimed directly at Israel, referring to the Palestinians as Iran's main tool against their true enemy: the United States.

"Seventy years have passed since the policy of England and America planted in the Islamic world an accursed and criminal tree [i.e. Israel]," Salami began, in the speech on Quds (Jerusalem) Day last month that was just translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

"For 70 years, this poisoned dagger has been embedded in the body of the Islamic ummah, and all the problems of the Islamic world stem from the existence of the false, counterfeit, historically rootless, and identity-less regime named Israel."

Salami gave the speech in the city of Mashhad to commemorate Quds Day, officially called International Quds Day, an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan that was initiated by Iran in 1979 to express support for the Palestinians and oppose Zionism and Israel. In his speech, he describes Israel as a tool, bringing the threat of the US into the heart of the Islamic world.

"[Israel] brings the range of America's missiles against the Islamic world 12,000 kilometers closer, and becomes a tool for imposing America's policy against the Islamic world," Salami said. "[Ayatollah Khomeini] transformed the heart of Iran with the great [Islamic] Revolution, [and set] a new power against the evil of the arrogance [i.e. the U.S.], against the supporters of the Zionist regime, and against this regime itself."

He emphasized that due to its size, Israel has no defense against the Iranian threat.

We can certainly continue to pray for these lost Muslims who have fallen prey to the Father of All Lies.  But Ezekiel tells us that Iran is going to dealt a massive blow and so is Damascus.  We believe this Ezekiel prophecy will be fulfilled AFTER the rapture of the church.  So please don't be surprised if the trumpet blows during your lifetime.

Ezekiel 38
22 I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him. 23 And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.’

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