
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Another Blood Moon

Does the Bible say anything about blood moons? 

Yes it does.

Could these blood moons be ONE of the signs that the great and terrible Day of the Lord is at hand?

Yes it could.

Does that Bible say that no man knows the Day or the Hour when the Lord will return for His church?

Yes it does.

Would I be surprised if the Lord blew the trumpet and came for His bride today?

No I wouldn't.

With that as a backdrop, check out this headline and article today.

A Sign of the End Times? Another Blood Moon Appears in July

According to astronomers, there will be two bodies in the heavens at the end of July which will both appear as red -- the planet Mars and Earth's moon.

On July 27, Mars will appear brighter in the night sky and it will appear brighter than it was in 2003, the website reports. Mars will be 35.98 million miles from the earth and will be 10 times brighter than usual

On the very same day, Earth's moon will also appear red, but only for a couple of hours.  According to astronomers, it will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the century lasting 1 hour and 43 minutes.

The eclipse will best be seen in Africa, the Middle East, southern Asia and the Indian Ocean. reports the moon will remain in the earth's shadow for nearly 4 hours total.

Lunar eclipses occur when the moon passes into the Earth's shadow, directly opposite of the sun.  Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are safe to view. You don't need special lenses or a box -- just your own eyes.

According to, the event known as a Blood Moon occurs when the moon moves completely into the deepest part of Earth's shadow, known as the umbra. The moon turns red instead of going black. The red color comes from some of the sunlight going through Earth's atmosphere. The sunlight bends and falls onto the moon's surface. (Earth's air also scatters shorter-wavelength light — think of colors such as blue or green — which leaves behind red at the longer-wavelength end of the spectrum.)

The news about the Blood Moon appearing at the end of the month has some Christians excited. They believe the Blood Moon is a direct sign from God and a biblical fulfillment of prophecy.

The Blood Moon is foretold by the Bible in the book of Joel 2:31, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come."

Also in Acts 2:20, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come:"

And, in the book of Revelations 6:12, "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;"

All of the scriptures refer to the moon turning blood red as a heavenly sign the end times are fast approaching.

Even though the Earth is still turning after many countless Blood Moon events since the passages were written, some believers are still captivated by the Blood Moon prophecy. Some preachers claim the Blood Moon eclipses are a true sign of the end of the world. Something they believe will happen in the near future.

Paul Begley is one pastor that stands by his belief that the Blood Moon is a biblical sign of the last days. 

According to the UK's Express Newspaper, in a recent online broadcast from Indiana, he said: "Just take a look at this. Look at this prophetic sign, look at the era we're in, look at what the Bible says in Acts Chapter 2:16-21 and recognize the realization I am prophesying to you that the coming of the Lord is soon."

"No I don't believe it's July 27," Begley stated. "I repeat. July 27 is not the end of the world but prophetically the events that are taking place are being prophesied to you, not only from the world of the Lord, not only from the prophetic voices of today's modern-day watchmen but also prophetically being revealed to you in the heavens above."


Please note that this blood moon will be visible in Israel which is the epicenter of everything.

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