
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Turkey Continues Toward it’s Biblical Destiny

The President of Turkey has just been re-elected and now looks and acts a lot like a dictator.

When will they decide to join the coalition planning on destroying Israel and robbing their wealth?
Recep Tayyip Erdogan was sworn in as an executive president with vastly expanded powers, capping his years-long drive to transform Turkey’s government.
Erdogan, modern Turkey’s longest-serving ruler, took the oath of office Monday at parliament, where onlookers showered his arriving Mercedes with flowers. He marked the inauguration of his country’s new presidential system with a grand reception attended by foreign dignitaries, before unveiling the members of his cabinet.
“We’re leaving behind a system that has forced our country to pay a great price due to political, social and economic chaos in the past,” Erdogan said. “In the new era, Turkey will move forward in every field from democracy, basic rights and freedoms to the economy and great investments.” The first cabinet meeting will be held on Friday.

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