
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Mega Church Pastor Says Christians Can Support Gay Marriage

This seems to be one more sign that we are in the very last days.  When the supposed shepherds start making up things that go against the clear word of God and telling their flock "what their itchy ears want to hear."

Scripture is clear that God created marriage to mean ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN who become ONE FLESH when they have sexual intercourse.  Anything that deviates from that including men marrying other men, men marrying multiple women or men, women marrying women, women marrying chimps, men marrying horses, men marrying 10 yr old girls, etc... is all PERVERSION and DEVIATION from God's plan.

But here come the Methodists to confuse millions more on the issue.

United Methodist megachurch pastor Adam Hamilton stated at a Texas gathering that Christians can support gay marriage and not be at odds with orthodoxy.

In recent years, the UMC has had intense debate over the denomination's official stance against homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

Speaking at a conference organized by the group Uniting Methodists held last week at Lovers Lane United Methodist Church in Dallas, Hamilton spoke about the authority of Scripture regarding the church body's debate over LGBT issues.

He argued that both sides of the debate within the UMC held high opinions of Scripture and that the differences were over interpretation instead.

Hamilton took issue with the idea that Christians accepting same-sex marriage means that they have rejected "the historic essentials of the Christian faith."

"So orthodoxy now means that I hold a particular view of same-gender marriage and/or a particular view of Scripture that gets me to a particular view of same-gender marriage," stated Hamilton.

"I think that's a tragic reading. It's interesting it doesn't show up in any of the creeds, anything about same-gender marriage or even a particular doctrine on scripture doesn't show up in any of the creeds, but that's now become how some have looked at orthodoxy."

Hamilton also denounced the tendency of both conservatives and liberals within the UMC, and society overall, when claiming that they are definitely correct on the issue.

"We feel like we can't be around people like that who believe these things that are different from what I believe or practice something different or interpret the Scripture differently," Hamilton continued.

"Then we start calling them names. We pick the good names for us and we pick the bad names for them. We're the orthodox, that must mean you're the heretics."


What a silly argument!!  It doesn't show up in any of the creeds....  Men screwing horses doesn't show up in any of the creeds either because clearly the entire civilized world has understood for the last 2000 years that bestiality goes against God's natural plan and God's disgust with this behavior is clearly spelled out in Leviticus.  God doesn't change.

Maybe someone smarter than me can verify this but I have heard that the only other time in the past 6000 years of human history that men were marrying men was RIGHT BEFORE NOAH'S FLOOD.  I heard that this was according to rabbinical or Jewish tradition....but I have never seen it in writing.

But it is interesting that Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man."

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