
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Palestinian Clerics Accuse Israel of Making Earthquakes to Topple Mosque

Just when you think the Arabs couldn't get much more ignorant...we run across this headline.

Palestinian Clerics Accuse Israel of Plotting Artificial Earthquake to Topple Al-Aqsa

Following a series of low-magnitude earthquakes felt in northern Israel and in neighboring countries in early July, Palestinian clerics, both Muslim and Christian, have begun to circulate a malicious lie that some elements in Israel are acting to demolish Al-Aqsa and build the Jewish Temple in its place, and warned that Israel may exploit a natural earthquake or cause an artificial one to destroy the mosque.

Israel’s north experienced a series of earthquakes earlier this month, the most severe of which occurred at a 4.7 magnitude.

These allegations come following an article by authored by Jordanian columnist Kamal Zakarneh who wrote that the recent quakes in northern Israel may have been caused by the underground testing of nuclear or other weapons that Israel is developing with the ultimate aim of toppling Al-Aqsa, the Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Al-Aqsa Preacher Ikrima Sabri claimed that “the occupation [Israel] is preparing something to harm Al-Aqsa,” according to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Sabri, a former Jerusalem mufti, earlier this month charged that Israel is conducting “unceasing” excavations beneath the Al-Aqsa mosque and their pace has even increased and become more severe.

The truth is that only the Palestinians and Jordanians are conducting construction work on the Temple Mount, in contravention of Israeli law.

“These excavations must not be accepted, for they constitute flagrant aggression against Al-Aqsa and the Waqf… All signs indicate that the occupation is preparing something to harm Al-Aqsa,” Sabri alleged.

“We must beware [and realize that] the occupation may cause an earthquake to destroy Al-Aqsa. The occupation and its government may take advantage of natural and unnatural circumstances to realize the plot to destroy Al-Aqsa. There is a network of tunnels down there that reach deep [beneath] Al-Aqsa,” he added.


One day soon, the Third Temple will be built.  The Bible tells me so.  But HOW is the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock going to be removed/torn down/destroyed to make way for the Third Temple?

We have an idea that it might turn out to be an ACT OF GOD that clears them out.

So maybe it will be an earthquake that destroys them...but if it is, it won't be the Israelis who are causing it, BUT try and tell the Arabs that. 

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