
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Doctrines of Demons

The Bible warns us that in the Last days men will follow "doctrines of demons" or things told to us by demons.

Many of you have probably read my posts over the years about how demons are currently disguising themselves as "aliens" and making people believe that they are visiting earth from distant galaxies.

Check out some of what is is being "channeled" by these "aliens" that I plucked from an 'alien' website.  Notice how they throw in tidbits about Jesus but notice also how they totally dismiss His work on the cross.

When you achieve ascension, you open the Way and it was Jesus Christ who opened it two thousand years ago, not by dying on a cross, but by resurrecting from the human consciousness. He integrated with Christ consciousness and was then called the Christ but this has been lost in time. You are opening the way then can declare I AM the Way, I AM the Truth, I AM the Life. Because of the Ascension darkness will be consumed. It will be transmuted because you are transcending it. Because of the Ascension and the intensification of the Light anything that is less than Christ consciousness will disappear.

I will now leave you with this new information and with gratitude for your greater understanding of the way the human nature is being transcended, as well as for the service of our associates who are involved with the publishing of our messages. Keep your eyes on the skies and the stars because we are there above you watching you. We keep an eye on you.
This was Ashtar Command, we are your Galactic brothers and sisters and we love you, Namaste!

Wow.  Did you notice how they signed off with "Namaste!" which seems to be a word that is in vogue with the current yoga craze that has swept across America?

Did you also notice how they STOLE Jesus' words about Him being the way, the truth and the life and said that once we accept their teachings that WE will become our own little gods and join the consciousness of the universe by becoming our own way, truth and life?

You just can't make this stuff up! 

And yet how many of our churches are preaching and warning against this perilous time that is coming upon the earth?

1 Timothy 4
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

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