
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Muslim "Refugees" Ignite 90 Cars in Sweden

You know you have problems when the #1 name for baby boys in your city has gone from Karl to Muhammad in the last 20 years.

But the poor Swedes were simply too ignorant about what the Bible says to understand that all religions are NOT teaching peace, love, tolerance and freedom. They saw no problem with letting hundreds of thousands of 'refugees'into their country and providing them with food, money and a place to stay.  According to their Swedish thinking, if you treat these refugees with kindness they will return the favor.

Of course this isn't true...because human nature is rotten to the core. And when you throw the lies of Islam on top of human nature, you end up with a toxic recipe that can cause a mess, especially in younger men.

And now they have let so many Muslims into their country that it is most likely too late.  Once the Muslim population of any country crosses 10% then history shows us that the Muslims feel empowered to start trying to take over their host countries one neighborhood, district and city at a time.

Watch this video from yesterday showing Muslims blowing up cars in a parking lot in Sweden.  Does anyone want this happening in a city near you?

Trump wants to figure out some way to stop Muslims (especially young men) from walking into America and setting up shop like they have in Sweden.  He would also like to figure out a way to give immigration precedence to Christians stuck in Muslim-majority nations.

Not sure how he will do it but we wish him well and pray for him everyday.

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