
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Facebook and YouTube Shut Down Alex Jones

This is an interesting conversation.

It seems that Facebook and YouTube don't like what Alex Jones and Info Wars has to say and he violates their they shut him down.

I think it's sad that Mr Jones pushed the Sandy Hook conspiracy and told his readers that the dead kids were just faked.  In my opinion it would be impossible for anyone to pull that off without someone coming forward and saying, "Hey!  This was all just a big farce to try and push gun control!  My kid isn't really dead and we just faked his funeral because some guys in black suits convinced me it was a good idea." 

I have heard that Mr Jones followers bought into this lie and some of them made life unbearable for some parents that lost children in that tragedy.

Surely we are living in an age of deception.  How can any American citizen REALLY know what's going on?

Facebook and YouTube shut down accounts Monday run by radio host Alex Jones, saying his charged rhetoric violated their policies and were detracting from their efforts to spawn a civil conversation.

Apple also said it nixed Mr. Jones‘ podcast from its iTunes subscription lists, and Spotify erased the host’s program from its feed, as social media companies began to take a more active role in policing their content.

The decision ignited a debate in technology circles, with even some of Mr. Jones‘ critics wondering whether social media companies are capable of, or should be, policing content to this extent.

Mr. Jones denounced the moves as political censorship, but the companies said they no longer felt comfortable with helping connect him to their users.

Facebook said it first took down four videos last week. After complaints continued, Facebook “unpublished” four pages in their entirety on Monday: the Alex Jones Channel Page, the Alex Jones Page, the Infowars Page, and Infowars Nightly News Page.


But think about this for a second....Jesus said that HE is the ONLY way to get to heaven.  Everyone who doesn't believe in the work He did on the cross will stay condemned.  That means that millions of Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, and all those others who refuse Christ will stay on the wide road that is currently leading them to hell....which is terrifying.

What if those same companies start banning anyone who proclaims Christ's "intolerant and hateful" message?

What if BLOGSPOT decides they don't like what I am writing and terminates this blog tomorrow because they believe our message is intolerant and hateful?

Can a nation truly have FREE SPEECH social media outlets, run by liberals, start shutting down anything they disagree with?

I guess those private companies are free to make those decisions and policies.  And we are free to quit using their platforms.  But watch out if our government starts policing and prosecuting anyone who says something THEY deem to be "intolerant and hateful".

Lastly, it seems concerning that Facebook, YouTube and Apple all shut down Alex Jones on the same day.  Doesn't that make it seem like these giant companies who dominate social media are all starting to collude with one another on decisions?

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