
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Will Trump Pave the Way for 3rd Temple?

I have already blogged about the 3rd Temple coins that have been minted with pictures of Donald Trump and Cyrus of Persia on the 'heads' side.  We already know that Israel named a train station after Trump.  One of my friends just returned from Israel and said that Trump supporters from America were welcomed with open arms.

So what does all this mean?  Is Trump going to save America?

I doubt it.

But could Trump be the dude handpicked by God to continue to pave the way for the 3rd Temple prophesies to be fulfilled.

I think it's possible.

In this same light, we thought this headline was interesting.

END OF TIMES: Ancient Judaic Sources Indicate Trump Will Pave Way for Third Jewish Temple

Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi in charge King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, revealed to Breaking Israel News a 600-year-old Jewish source stating that the Third Temple will be prepared by descendants of Edom as a “reparation” for destroying the Second Temple. Additional hints from esoteric sources indicate that US President Donald Trump has already begun this process.

“It sounds illogical that the Third Jewish Temple will be built by non-Jews,” Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. “But Rabbinic sources state explicitly that this is what they must do to fix the historic wrongs that were committed.”

As the son of the “Mishkoltz Rebbe,” a revered Hasidic leader with thousands of followers, Rabbi Berger is well-versed in Jewish literature and based his conclusions on several classical sources.The rabbi began his explanation by using the 11th chapter of Leviticus that delineates the laws pertaining to animals that are fit for Jewish consumption. For an animal to be designated as Kosher, it must have split hooves and chew its cud. Despite the explicitly stated rule, four animals are specifically mentioned as being forbidden in a manner that seems textually redundant. The final animal specified as being forbidden to Jews is a chazir (pig).

And the swine—although it has true hoofs, with the hoofs cleft through, it does not chew the cud: it is unclean for you. Leviticus 11:7

Citing Midrash Rabba, a collection of homiletic teachings believed to have been compiled in the fifth century in Israel, Rabbi Berger explains this apparent redundancy by stressing that the four animals are compared to the four major kingdoms that mistreated Israel. Of these impure species, a chazir is compared to the nation of Edom, which literally translates as ‘red,’ referring to the redness of Jacob’s brother, Esau. In Rabbinic literature, Edom refers to Rome, which largely comprised of Esau’s descendants. Edom has also come to mean Christianity which first flourished in Rome.

“The comparison is not flattering, but the implications are enormous,” Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. “Many times in the Bible we find that the greatest spiritual light comes from the most hidden of sources.”

“Midrash Rabba asked, ‘why is edom compared to a ‘chazir’? The answer Midrash Rabba gives is based on the root of the word chazir, which literally means ‘to return,’” Rabbi Berger continued. “Midrash Rabba stated, ‘in the future Edom will return the glory to its former status.’”

Rabbi Berger also quoted Rabbi Bahya ben Asher ibn Halawa, a 13th century Spanish Biblical commentator also known as “Rabbeinu Behaye.” The medieval scholar wrote that “the first and second Temples were built by the descendants of King David, but in the future, the Third Temple will be built by descendants of Edom.”

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