
Saturday, September 8, 2018

Deep State Revealed

Pastor Spalding uses scripture to explain Deep State.

Friends, what is wrong with America and indeed the world, is that certain men have crept in with a lust for power and control. The power these people wield is of demonic origin. These people are known collectively by various names but the current name of choice is the Deep State, and it is clearly revealed in the Bible. We see it in Psalm 2. In 12 short verses, the psalmist succinctly describes a timeless truth. That truth is this: when people abandon God terrible things happen. When standards of right and wrong are constructed and enforced by those with a lust for power and control people will suffer on a global scale.
Please understand this: the machinations of the anti-American God-haters in our midst are in-tune with and directed by the globalists who desire to bring America under their control. Some would argue that America is already controlled by an unelected, unseen cabal. I would not argue against that perspective. However, they do not have complete control yet.
Let’s examine the remedy for turning back the Deep State. Note Psalm 2:1 which reads in the New American Standard translation: “Why are the nations in an uproar and the people devising a vain thing?” The King James Version says: “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?”
The root word for uproar and rage comes from a word that describes the snorting of a war horse who knows a battle is looming and is working itself into a froth. So the nations are roaring or in an uproar at a frenzied pitch. They are snorting and stomping their feet and making quite a demonstration. This sounds like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, La Raza, Nation of Islam, Council for American – Islamic Relations, and every other anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-liberty, anti-God organization that the propaganda arm of the globalists – the American mainstream media – admires, promotes, and covers up their atrocities. Clearly, something has agitated these foot soldiers of Hell.
In Psalm 2:2, we read that the leaders of the nations that are in an uproar, the kings and rulers, have taken counsel together. That means that the leaders of the nations have strategized and coordinated a plan of attack against the source of their frustration and agitation. We don’t have to guess who or what the source is because in verse 2 we read that it is the LORD and His Anointed. LORD is Yahweh – The Father – and His Anointed is Jesus Christ.
Notice in verse 3 the reason for this rebellion against God the Father and Jesus the Son: the refusal of the nations to submit to the rule of God. “Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us.”

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