
Monday, September 10, 2018

Syria Approves Chemical Weapons Attack

There is a city in Syria called Idlib.  It's going to be ground zero for Assad's forces to try and root out the remaining 70,000 opposition forces.  It's now being reported that Assad has approved the use of chemical weapons against the people in this city.

Syrian President Bashar Assad has given approval for the use of chlorine gas in the country’s last remaining rebel holdout in Idlib province, U.S. officials told The Wall Street Journal on Sunday.

If Assad deploys the chemical against the approximately 70,000 remaining opposition fighters in Idlib, President Trump has privately threatened to deploy a massive attack against him, people familiar with the exchange told the Journal.

The Washington Post reported Friday that the president had approved a new strategy in Syria that would station 2,000 U.S. soldiers there indefinitely.

Officials told the Journal that the president has not settled on the precise trigger for military action or if the U.S. response would target Syria’s Russian and Iranian allies.

The president also issued harsh warnings last Wednesday, saying, “If it’s a slaughter, the world is going to get very, very angry, and the United States is going to get very angry too.”

On Friday, the U.S. also conducted military exercises along with coalition forces in Syria fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.


So a few things to ponder here;
--Do you remember when Obama warned Syria of a "red line" they had better not cross?  When they crossed it, Obama did nothing.  It now seems the situation is even more complex.
--Do we know who the "opposition fighters" actually are who are holed up in Idlib?  What if we found out they were ISIS-crazy-Muslim-terrorists?  Shouldn't we cheer on Assad to kill them all with choking, miserable, chlorine fumes?
--What if Russia and/or Iran is encouraging the use of chemical weapons in Syria and Trump ends up attacking some of their military assets in Syria?
--Is there any other nation in the world who would be willing to enforce the international ban on using chemical weapons on the battlefield?

Can you see how the stage continues to be set for Ezekiel 38?

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