
Monday, September 17, 2018

Israel Launches Missile Attack on Damascus Airport

As most of my readers know, Isaiah 17 is a yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecy that describes Damascus as being uninhabited.  It sounds like the city will be utterly destroyed.

Now notice this passage from Isaiah 17;
In that day their strong cities, which they left because of the Israelites, will be like places abandoned to thickets and undergrowth. And all will be desolation.

Because of the Israelites?

We then see this headline today;

Israel launched missile attack on Damascus airport, Syria says

Israel attacked Damascus International Airport with missiles Saturday night, Syrian state media said, adding that air defenses shot down some of them. A war monitoring group said the attack targeted an arms depot for Iranian forces or Lebanon’s Hezbollah group.

Explosions during the attack were heard across Damascus. The state news agency SANA posted pictures showing what appeared to be air defenses firing into the air.

Israel is widely believed to have been behind a series of airstrikes mainly targeting Iranian and Hezbollah forces in Syria that have joined the country’s war fighting alongside the government.
An Israeli official said earlier this month that the targets were connected to Iran’s elite Al-Quds force and included air force components, support infrastructure, and weapons storage and manufacturing facilities.

US and Israeli officials have said that Iran and Hezbollah should end their armed presence in Syria. Israel says it is alarmed by the expansion of operations by Iran and Hezbollah in the country.


We don't know if Isaiah 17 will be fulfilled before the rapture or sometime during the 70th Week of Daniel which ends with Christ's 2nd Advent.  But we should all be awake to the fact that Damascus is in the news almost every day and Israel is getting more and more alarmed at the Iranian, Russian, and Turkish involvement there.

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