
Monday, September 17, 2018

Kavanaugh Did Something 36 Years Ago

The Democrats have now reached a new low in trying to stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

They are reaching back 36 years to a keg party when Kavanaugh was in high school and supposedly groped a girl at a keg party.

US President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh ran into serious trouble Monday after a woman who accuses the conservative judge of sexually assaulting her 36 years ago said she is willing to testify before Congress.

Oh my goodness!!  The stupidity is unbearable!!

Next up we will find out that he pulled the pigtails of a girl on the playground and also played doctor with some neighborhood girls when he was 10! much longer is this nation going to last when the idiots are dragging us all down like this.

There will NEVER be any man eligible to be POTUS or SCOTUS when we find out that they made some girls feel bad in grade school by saying they had cooties.


  1. I find this to be particularly infuriating because while the Dem's are ringing their hands over an accusation, that frankly, I don't believe, they are turning a blind eye to the much more credible allegations against Keith Elison.

    Let's review the lay of the land when it comes to Kavanaugh. He has been shown over and over to be a man of high moral character. He has a long track record of telling the truth. He has many people who attest to his story. The Demon-cratic party, on the other hand, has shown itself to be Machiavellian at every turn. Willing and proud to lie as long as they win.

    Even if the allegations were true, no charges were pressed. If they were true and charges had been pressed shouldn't they be expunged from the record because it would have happened while both Kavanaugh and the young lady were minors? I heard Ford is not even sure what year these unsubstantiated allegations took place. And what responsibility should she bear? Why was she drunk at a party at 15?

    Which brings me to a point you alluded to Dennis, I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you to find out that something so outrageous as boys and girls getting it on at a pool party of all places was allowed to happen in 1982! Next, you are going to tell me that when people with Y chromosomes and penises have sex with those that have the double XX and vaginas, there is a chance that a new person will be created!


  2. Amen! What the heck was she doing drunk at a party at age 15?? Does she have no morals? Is she a hussy?? I don't care if it was 36 years ago, if she was a hussy at 15 then she must be a hussy at 51!! SOOOOOO RIDICULOUS!!!

    I wrote emails to both my senators this morning and suggested they confirm him fast before someone comes forward and reports that Kavanaugh pulled their pig tails on the playground and they felt so bad and sexually harassed that this man should NEVER be nominated for anything!!

    The left thinks that Trump has been the cause of the division in the country. They simply can't see that their stupidity in matters like this is what CAUSED the election of Donald Trump in the first place.
