Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Trump is Soon Going to Arrest Major Democrats

We have NO IDEA if any of this is possible, but the headline is certainly blogworthy.

Could we be weeks away from a massive military/police exercise that would round up lots of treasonous Democrats and have them arrested from crimes against America?

They are even saying that Trump would need to declare martial law for a time...and that all of his supporters need to support him on this...because that's what it's going to take to wipe out Deep State.

EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama

As the documents cited here clearly show, President Trump is planning to carry out mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and even Barack Obama. This is fully covered, with accompanying documentation from the U.S. Federal Register, in the links and video below. (This author is fully supportive of this effort to save America and arrest the traitors.)

The confirmation of Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court is the key to getting this done in a timely manner, which explains why the deranged Left is going to such outrageous extremes to fabricate false allegations against Kavanaugh and stage coordinated, well-funded protests to try to block the U.S. Senate from confirming him.

Once Kavanaugh is on the court, it will add the necessary support for constitutional “emergency powers” that concentrate power in the executive branch of government (currently headed by President Trump) during times of war and national emergencies.

FACT: The United States has been operating under a state of declared war since September, 2001, following the 9/11 attacks.

FACT: The United States has been operating under a declared national emergency, signed by President Trump, since December 20, 2017 (see proof document, below).

In this detailed video analysis, I lay out the evidence for President Trump’s plan to issue mass arrests of deep state traitors, then try them for treason under military tribunals. This is justified and lawful because the acts being committed against the United States of America by deep state traitors are acts of treason during a time of declared war. It is no coincidence that President Trump has deliberately funded the U.S. Pentagon with its most massive budgets ever conceived. This is because the Pentagon has agreed to run the military arrests of deep state traitors, under the direction of the Commander-In-Chief, President Trump.


Holy smokes!!  Do you think that might startle lots of Americans??  To have the military arresting Obama and Clinton, Podesta, and dozens of other criminals and try them under military tribunals??  Wow!  That would be a story to last a lifetime!!

"But Dennis, we don't know anything about this so-called Deep State!!  We think it was maybe made up by Trump supporters to describe anyone who disagrees with Trump!"

Maybe??  But just this week we have ex Congressman Jason Chaffetz from Utah who has released a new book claiming that the Deep State is real.  He witnessed it all, up close and personal.

The former chairman of the House oversight committee has written a new book alleging a “deep state” conspiracy by federal employees to “protect” former President Barack Obama and “destroy” President Donald Trump.

The premise of the book by former Utah Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz is spelled out in its lengthy title: “The Deep State: How an army of bureaucrats protected Barack Obama and is working to destroy Donald Trump.” It is scheduled to be released on Sept. 18.
"The Deep State is real," Chaffetz wrote, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. "They don’t like exposure, accountability or responsibility. They fight back, outlast and work the system for their advantage. And they certainly don’t like disruptive forces such as Donald Trump.”
The “deep state” is a conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and some congressional conservatives that alleges that employees of federal agencies and the military are secretly conspiring to control or manipulate government policy.

Please remember to pray for America, pray for Trump, pray for Kavanaugh.  America is quite possibly hanging in the balance right now but most Americans are too drunk on material goods and debt to notice or care.


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