Monday, October 15, 2018

Deep-Fake Videos & The Age of Deception

How can we look at anything anymore and know for certain that it’s real? Pictures can be photoshopped and now technology has developed to allow entire videos to be photoshopped. This could be one more unstoppable trigger in the destruction of our democracy and even aid in the final destruction of earth during the Great Tribulation.  Take 10 minutes and watch this very sobering video by the Wall Street Journal.

Seeing isn’t believing anymore. Deep-learning computer applications can now generate fake video and audio recordings that look strikingly real.
In a recent video published by researchers to show how the technology works, an actor sits in front of a camera moving his face. The computer then generates the same expressions in real time on an existing video of Barack Obama. When the actor shakes his head, the former president shakes his head as well. When he speaks, Mr. Obama speaks as well. 
“This is a big deal,” Hany Farid, computer science professor at Dartmouth College, told The Wall Street Journal. “You can literally put into a person’s mouth anything you want.”


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