
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Farrakhan Calls Jews Termites, Democrats Silent

There are photos of Obama, Keith Ellison and other major Democrats hob-knobbing with Louis Farrakhan.  He practices a really strange brand of Islam...but true to Islam he has a real problem with Jews.

Where is the outrage by the media about Democrats who seem willing to give this vile man a pass?

Guess we won't hold our breath.

Democrats love to call out Donald Trump and put him under the microscope for each and every remark he makes. They love to hold rallies in Washington to hold people accountable for ‘intolerance’ and ‘hate speech’. 92% of every story done on CNN is a negative story about Donald Trump and his administration, even going so far to report on the dimensions of his penis. But when toxic hater preacher Louis Farrakhan cranks up the anti-Jew filth machine and lets it fly? The sound of the resulting and shameful silence is deafening.
Pictures today have surfaced of Barack Obama getting cozy with Farrakhan dating back to 2005. Pictures that were suppressed by the media in order to protect his chances of getting elected. Earlier this year at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, Bill Clinton had no problem sharing the stage with Farrakhan. Liberal Twitter who loves to shadow ban Conservatives has no problem allowing Farrakhan to post a video calling Jews ‘termites’, and as of this writing that tweet is still up, as you can see below.
I can only think of two reasons why the Democrats remain silent when Louis Farrakhan spews his vile anti-semitic comments. Either they are afraid of him, and stay silent because he has massive amounts of dirt on them. Or just as likely, because they agree with him. As this article shows, only one Democrat has the guts to condemn Farrakhan’s ugly and hateful remarks. Why do you think it is?
“To the members of the Jewish community that don’t like me, thank you very much for putting my name all over the planet … I’m not mad at you, ’cause you’re so stupid,” Farrakhan said.
“So when they talk about Farrakhan, call me a hater, you know they do, call me an anti-semite — stop it! I’m anti-termite! I don’t know nothing about hating somebody because of their religious preference.”
True to Democrat form....they preach "love, not hate!" but when one of their supporters preaches hate...crickets.
They seem vastly more concerned with Trump calling a porn star, "horseface" than they do about one of their own calling Jews "stupid termites".

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