
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Man Wins Female Cycling Competition

Another day...another headline of stupidity.  Notice the dude who claimed he was a woman and then ended up winning the female competition?

On Sunday, biologically male cyclist Rachel McKinnon, competing against biological females, unsurprisingly took home a gold medal at Sunday's UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles.

One of the women he edged out, third-place winner Jennifer Wagner, is not staying silent about the glaring unfairness.

"I was the 3rd place rider. It's definitely NOT fair," wrote Wagner, an American from Houston, in a tweet on Monday, according to The Daily Caller.

It is our hope that continued headlines like these will end up pitting really stupid leftists against less-stupid leftists.

If the really stupid leftists end up winning the day....women's sports, as we know it, will soon be gone.  Women will be forced to compete against men and will be crushed in boxing rings, hockey rinks and basketball courts from New York to LA.

God speed leftists!!

"In the beginning God created them male and female.  Male and female He created them."


  1. One of these people is not like the others
    One of these people just doesn't belong
    Can you tell which person is not like the others
    By the time I finish my song?

    Did you guess which person was not like the others?
    Did you guess which person just doesn't belong?
    If you guessed THE DUDE IN THE MIDDLE is not like the others
    Then you're absolutely...right!

    I am with you Dennis, you have to be willfully blind to "not see" the differences. And you're are right too that this will end female sports. On the upside, maybe we can reinstate physical tests for firefighters and combat personal if everyone is "the same."

  2. And maybe we can raise all volleyball nets to 8 feet, and all hockey games have checking as part of the sport, and WNBA should be done away with as its clearly sexist with the noun “woman” written right into it! And all college scholarships should be given to the best athletes and smartest people! No more “female” sports in college since the word “female” is offensive, exclusive and can trigger some people and make them feel bad!
