
Monday, November 5, 2018

11 yr Old Shoots Grandma Then Himself

30 years ago it would have been unheard of to read a story like this.  Today the story won't make it past the local news.  And for the people who do read it, we will shake our head for a few seconds then move on, knowing that tomorrow will probably bring a story that's even worse.

What in the world could possess an 11 yr old boy to shoot his grandma in the back of the head while she is sitting on the sofa with his grandpa?

Could the word, 'possess' have something to do with it?  Could the back story behind this be that the 11 yr old was doing drugs and playing violent video games and both of these activities allowed the Evil One to get into his head?

PHOENIX — An 11-year-old boy in Arizona fatally shot his grandmother before turning the gun on himself after refusing to clean his room Saturday, officials said. 
Yvonne Woodard, 65, and her husband lived with their grandson in a home in the Phoenix suburb of Litchfield Park, according to Maricopa County Sheriff's Office spokesman Sgt. Joaquin Enriquez. 
The grandfather told detectives they had asked their grandson to clean his room, but he was being stubborn about it.
The couple were sitting on the couch watching TV together when the grandson came up behind his grandmother and shot her in the back of the head, Enriquez said.
The grandfather first ran after the grandson before returning to help his wife. He then heard gunshots as his grandson shot himself.
Enriquez said the gun belonged to the grandfather. Investigators have yet to find anything that would indicate the grandson wanted to hurt himself or others before the shooting.
Of course the liberals will read this and say, 'Those god-awful guns gotta go!"  They want an easy scapegoat because they don't want to look at what in the world is going on in a society where 11 yr old boys shoot their grandma in the back of the head.  
Has their EVER been a time in the world when little kids killed themselves?  I doubt it.
2 Timothy 3  But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God

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