
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Another Kavanaugh Accuser Admits She Was Lying

This is a huge story yet I have not seen any MSM news report this as a top headline. Where are the Democrats on this?  Where is the discussion amongst morning news anchors of how a woman could do this?  Where are all the people that swore we always had to believe the victim and yelled that “rapist Kavanaugh had to be stopped?”  We are guessing that the story broke so close to a major election that the MSM wanted to keep the story buried so as not to tip any votes away from Democrats who crucified an innocent man using lies and his High School yearbook from 40 years ago.
She admitted to the false allegation, and said she has actually never met Justice Kavanaugh.
“I was angry, and I sent it out,” she told investigators.
“In short, during the committee’s time-sensitive investigation of allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Munro-Leighton submitted a fabricated allegation, which diverted committee resources,” Mr. Grassley wrote. “When questioned by Committee investigators she admitted it was false, a ‘ploy,’ and a ‘tactic.’ She was opposed to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.”
“What about the others? Where are the Dems on this?” he demanded via Twitter.
Mr. Grassley has previously asked the FBI to probe Julie Swetnick and her lawyer, anti-Trump crusader Michael Avenatti, for lying to Congress and obstructing. Ms. Swetnick had originally claimed to have been the victim of gang rapes involving Justice Kavanaugh during high school parties, saying she saw him and a friend spike punch to leave girls unable to resist. She later changed her story to say she saw Justice Kavanaughand his friend near a punch bowl, and could not identify them as having actually been part of any rape.

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