
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Downs Syndrom Test is for Abortion Decision

I think we probably all understand this.  A pregnant woman goes into a lab to have tests done on her unborn baby.  She isn't there to determine if she is pregnant with a baby calf or giraffe...she knows its a human baby and that it is either male or female.  She might want to know if the baby has Downs Syndrome or other abnormalities.  If she finds out that the little person isn't perfect, she then can make a decision to kill her imperfect child.

When you look at it like that....abortion is a pretty sick practice.

Watch this short video from the BBC where a pregnant woman figures this out and it makes her sick.

I hope you all get out today and vote for the candidates that want to keep, and make, murder illegal no matter the size or perfection of that human being.  Let's let God determine which babies will be born, since He created them.

"But Dennis, we decided to kill our baby when they said he would be born with Downs because we didn't THINK we could handle the added pressure, stress and responsibility."

Really?  Did God promise not to give you more that you could handle?  Maybe you should talk to some other parents with Downs children before you decide to murder a person whom YOU deem to be imperfect.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these warnings of love to the brethren. The test itself (amniocentesis) can be deadly to the baby as a needle inserted through the stomach of the mother to the uterus may stab the baby.
