
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Farrakhan in Iran

Obama, Ellison and other leading Democrats have been photographed with this bizarre dude.  He is not your typical Muslim because Nation of Islam, that he leads, does not have typical Islamic beliefs.  But really?  He leads chants IN IRAN that support the death of America and the death of Israel?  And Democrats support him?  What does this say about Democrats?
At the end of his talk, Farrakhan led the chanting of the common Iranian refrains “Death to Israel” and “Death to America,” and was joined by members of the audience.
Farrakhan, perhaps the most notorious black supremacist in America, has a long history of antisemitic statements. Most recently, he referred to Jews as “termites.”
Several prominent American activists and politicians have been linked to Farrakhan in recent years. Tamika Mallory, a leader of the Women’s March, praised him as “GOAT” or “Greatest of All Time,” and served as a national organizer of his 2015 “Justice or Else” rally. Linda Sarsour, another leader of the March who participated in the “Justice or Else” rally, has likewise praisedFarrakhan and repeatedly refused to condemn him.
Illinois Democratic Representative Danny K. Davis said of Farrakhan, “I don’t regard Louis Farrakhan as an aberration or anything, I regard him as an outstanding human being who commands a following of individuals who are learned and articulate and he plays a big role in the lives of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people.”
Recently, a photograph surfaced of former President Barack Obama meeting with Farrakhan in 2005 while he was a senator.

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