
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Iran Calls For Muslims to Unite and Destroy USA

If Iran could figure out a way to take over the world, their leaders would kill everyone who refused to convert to Shiite Islam.  They open their meetings by chanting “death to America! Death to Israel!”  So who do you think these nasty leaders preferred as US President?  Obama, who appeased them and sent plane loads of cash to convince them to sign a bogus nuke deal?  Or Trump who is crushing them with more sanctions, tore up the nuke deal and is telling the truth about their terrorist supporting regime?
“Submitting to the West headed by America would be treason against our religion … and against the future generations of this region,” Rouhani said at the Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, in a speech broadcast live on state television, Reuters reported.
Earlier this month, Trump reimposed sanctions on Iran that cover the country’s shipping, financial and energy sectors months after pulling the U.S. out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration.
The U.S. has said the sanctions are intended to prevent Iran from supporting militant groups and its development of long-range ballistic missiles.

In addition to the U.S., Rouhani also criticized Israel, calling it a “cancerous tumor” established by Western nations to advance their interests in the Middle East. Iranian leaders have pledged support to groups like Hezbollah and Hamas that are committed to Israel’s destruction.

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