
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Rapist Identifies as Female

This is an article from last September that a reader just sent me.  I don't remember seeing it.  It's just one more example how the stupidity, futility and foolishness has infected the left.  They take a man who claims to be a woman and put him in the woman's prison...where he proceeded to act like a man and do inappropriate things to the female inmates....BECAUSE HE'S A MAN!!!!

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A biologically male rapist who “identifies” as a woman has been accused of sexually assaulting four female inmates shortly after being transferred to an all-female facility.

Stephen Wood is a 52-year-old man and a convicted sex offender and pedophile who now goes by the name "Karen" White. He pled guilty to raping one woman in 2003 and another in 2016. He also adopted the name David Thompson at one point, and is awaiting sentencing for stabbing a neighbor.

The exact nature of Wood’s situation is unclear. He reportedly began “identifying” as "female" in 2014, but some of his friends have claimed to the press that he is merely a drag artist and doesn’t truly have gender dysphoria. Others, however, report that he did seek help from a transgender group in Manchester, which referred him to a “gender identity clinic” in Sheffield.

Wood has not had so-called sex-change surgery, but because he “identifies” as a woman he was remanded to New Hall Prison, a women’s jail. There, the Daily Mail reports, he used the opportunity to sexually assault four actual women.

It would seem a 6 yr old little boy could look at a man and know what he is.  But in this society where up is down, down is up, evil is good and good is evil....if a white man says he is a little black girl, then the leftists are going to take him at his word and let him shower and play basketball against little girls.  To do anything less would allow their entire narrative to fall apart.

Hat tip to Luke L.


  1. True story.

    I met this wolf that was experiencing species dysphoria and identified as a sheep. He dressed like a sheep and even learned to make a pretty good bleating sound. He asked if he could spend the night in the sheep pen because the other wolves did not understand him. I thought well even though this poor creature has all the distinguishing characteristics of a wolf who knows him better than him? If he says, he is a sheep then who was I to judge?

    I tell I was shocked, shocked, the next morning to find several little lambs killed.

    Ok maybe not so much a true story, but no harder to believe that this one.

    God help us.

  2. Yes!! Who are YOU to judge the poor wolf who knows deep down he was born to be a sheep!

    Good story, and yes, I agree....God help us.
