
Friday, November 30, 2018

UFO Over Texas

More strange objects are being sighted in the sky. We believe it may be part of a Last Days delusion.
Today we find another story and this one comes from Texas.

At first, the white object in the sky looked like a cloud. A weather balloon, perhaps ?

The motionless, cigar-shaped object spotted last week near Fort Worth left the witness stumped. And a video of the sighting has since gone viral, opening the door to UFO theories online.
"It was the oddest thing I've ever seen," the unidentified witness said, according to their report to Texas UFOs, a website that tracks mysterious UFO sightings throughout the state. "I watched it for about 20 minutes. It didn't move. I don't think I've ever seen anything in the sky stay that still before, not even for a few seconds, let alone 20 minutes."

If you go to the link above and watch the video, the narrator asks the question we are most interested in;  "Is this proof of alien visitation?"

It's becoming more and more obvious that the world is buzzing about aliens visiting earth.

Here's the point to ponder:  these "alien visitation" theories are mostly believed by the same people who believe in evolution.  The line of thinking goes like this;  If you believe that humans evolved from rocks and water 5 billion years ago then you also would be more than logical to believe that other complex life evolved 6-7-8+ billion years ago on other planets in the universe.  And since these "advanced beings" have had an extra billion years to evolve...they are now smart enough to have figured out time travel, light speed travel, worm holes and all sorts of other ways to be visiting us from hundreds of light years away.

These are not aliens visiting us.  They are the demons, fallen angels and even strange flesh that has tormented men since the garden of Eden.  We believe they have ramped up this final great delusion because they see the writing on the wall and know that the return of Jesus is very near, so they need to be prepared for the Great Tribulation that will commence sometime AFTER the rapture and end with Jesus returning to earth at Armageddon.

Bible readers know what Romans 1 says.  The folks who reject that God/Jesus made the entire world and every living thing on it, those people end up with their minds given over to all sorts of strange/perverted behavior and their thinking can become totally foolish and futile.

20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

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