
Saturday, December 1, 2018

More WWIII Headlines

In the past few years there have been MANY headlines that speak of WWIII.  We file this under Jesus’ words that there will be wars and rumors of war that will increase like birth pains as His return nears.


NORTH Korea is still expanding operations at a nuclear site, the United Nations has confirmed, just weeks after a separate US think-tank report said Kim Jong-Un was upgrading secret missile sites he had promised to shut down.

Pressure is mounting on US President Donald Trump to act after the repressive North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un appears to have reneged on promises he made at a summit in Singapore earlier this year. At the historic meeting, the first between leaders from North Korea and the United States, Kim Jong-Un assured the US President he would scrap his nuclear missile projects. The two leaders pledged to denuclearise the Korean peninsula but Kim Jong-Un’s promises were met with widespread scepticism from western leaders. Since then, North Korea has made few real steps towards complying with America’s demands for a “full and irreversible” dismantling of their nuclear arms programme.
Latest reports suggest the North is in fact still maintaining, upgrading and expanding operations at missile and nuclear sites across the country.
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which reports directly to the UN security council, has said North Korea is pressing ahead with operations at its Yongbyon nuclear research centre

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