
Monday, December 3, 2018

Did God Really Say Gay Is Not OK?

The attack on the Bible from the Evil One continues on a daily basis.  "Did God REALLY say that??  Certainly a loving God wouldn't want to keep you from doing something that makes you happy?"

Today we find this in a Jewish Learning site that is questioning if gay sex is really wrong after all?

It makes no sense from an ethical perspective: A central purpose of ethics is to regulate and make fair differentials in power and privilege. To put it another way, ethics is about keeping everybody from taking advantage of one another. Thus, mutually consenting relationships between equals would seem to present no ethical problem.
Many people of a traditional religious perspective see these verses as establishing the primacy of heterosexual relationships — for them, the ethical message is one of preserving “traditional” — i.e., heterosexual — families. The claim is often made that validating gay or lesbian relationships would undermine such families and give people the “option” of choosing nontraditional lives. Yet the children of gay and lesbian families turn out to be gay at roughly the same rate as everybody else — so this theory would seem to have little credence.
It seems, rather, that some people are naturally attracted to same-gender relationships, and find in them all the emotional and personal fulfillment that any heterosexual couple might hope for.
Let’s assume further that a good and loving God would not create certain people to face the awful choice between permanent loneliness and loyalty to Torah — I cannot accept that the God of Israel’s Redemption would not love all those who are created in God’s Image.
So how then do we interpret, or re-interpret, these verses, which apparently deny gay and lesbian Jews even the possibility of affirmation? Dr. Avi Rose, a psychologist and Jewish educator (and sometimes Kolel faculty), reviews current thinking about the historical context of this verse in a lovely and moving essay in the anthology ReCREATIONS.
Did you catch that??  "I cannot accept that the God of Israel would not love all those who are created in God's image"  So let's rewrite the Word of God so we do whatever we want and pretend God never said that gay sex is NOT part of His plan for us.
What?????  Of course God loves everyone, BUT he doesn't love everything that we do.
It's a classic mistake to say, "Well MY GOD would never do such and such"....which means we are creating our own God and making Him have all the attributes that WE want him to have.
The Jews need Jesus.  Clearly this site is written by Jews who have NOT accepted Christ as the final sacrifice for all their sins.
Christ died for ALL OF US even WHILE WE ARE SINNING.  But Jesus clearly told the woman who was living with a man who wasn't her husband, "Go and sin no more."
We aren't saved BECAUSE we give up our sinful lives.  We are saved because of Christ's work and then he works with us to change our hearts and minds about the sin which has infected our lives and is leading us to death.

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