
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Melt Your Purity Rings to Make a Vagina Sculpture

So we already know that in the Last Days the few people left sitting in churches will refuse to put up with sound doctrine.  Paul clearly tells us that.  They end up surrounding themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear.  "Gay sex is OK because God loves you no matter what you do!  Fornication is OK because God wants you to use your teenage body to experiment with other teens about what feels good.  Polygamy is OK because God never meant us to be with one other human for our entire married life."

Today we read about an ELCA Lutheran pastor and she is asking girls across America to send her their chastity rings so she can melt them down and make them into a golden vagina.  Yep, you read that right.

Liberal Lutheran pastor and author Nadia Bolz-Weber has encouraged women to send her their purity rings to be melted down and recast into a golden vagina in protest of evangelical purity culture.

On Twitter, Bolz-Weber, founding pastor of Denver’s House for All Sinners and Saints, issued a call for people to send her those rings “for a massive art project.”

“Beginning November 12th, until December 17th, you’ll have the opportunity to send in your purity rings to be melted down and recast into a golden vagina,” she explained on her website. “This sculpture will be unveiled at the 2019 Makers Conference.”

The website states that those who send in their rings will then receive a “certificate of Impurity as well as a SHAMELESS, impurity ring.”

I think we can file this strange article into, 'YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT UP!"

We also hope that the truth of Jesus will remain and that these false denominations will continue to dry up and blow away.  #ELCAGOAWAY


  1. This reminds me of another time when gold was melted make an idol - that didn't go do well & I doubt this will either

  2. I guess it shouldn't surprise us when we actually spot a wolf dressed up as a sheep. Its very disappointing that the ELCA has not disagreed with anything that she has said or done. I hope the Lord lets their membership continue to collapse and disappear into the ash heap of history...along with the other denominations that are anti-Israel and anti-Bible.
