
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Economic Reset Coming?

We know that USA needs to get OUT OF THE WAY if the globalists are going to achieve their dream of having a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT so they can use it to fight global warming, poverty, save the whales, save the polar bears and install gun control.

Now you can understand why they hate Donald Trump.

As we survey the economy of the USA, we know we may sound like a broken record, but we can't quite figure out HOW the economy got "fixed" from it's near melt down in 2007-2009.  Faith and confidence are fickle maidens and they can come and go in a moment's notice.

As of writing this today the stock market has been reversing and is now in negative territory for 2018.  Could it be the start of another blood bath that cripples America's debt-fueled economy?  Or is it just another down cycle that we were overdue to have and represents a great buying opportunity?

God only knows...but check out a few of these paragraphs from a recent article looking at these issues.

Since the beginning of this year, I have been warning that trade tariffs initiated by Donald Trump would develop into a full-blown trade war with China, and perhaps other nations, and that the timing of this trade war is rather suspicious. 

Suspicious how? 

Almost every instance of further escalation was made by Trump around the exact time that the Federal Reserve was also making a large cut to its balance sheet or raising interest rates. Instead of focusing on the fact that extreme volatility has returned to markets because central banks are pulling the plug on life support, the mainstream media is holding up the trade war as the ultimate culprit behind the accelerating crash.

In other words, Trump's trade war is acting as a perfect distraction from the crisis which the banking establishment has now deliberately triggered.

Third, there is a chance that China will retaliate by snatching up U.S. corporate representatives (many of them just as embroiled if not more so in criminal enterprises). This is a development I realize the average liberty activist could not care less about, but the average American will see such actions as a slight by the Chinese against the U.S. as a whole. The narrative once again turns to the idea that China should be our focus rather than the banking elites. Thus, the false East/West paradigm is further entrenched in the American mindset.

If this trend continues, the trade war will eventually expand into a war on the U.S. dollar itself, and when it does, the U.S. will suffer the worst fiscal crisis in its history. Without the world reserve status of the dollar as well as continued foreign investment in U.S. debt, what's left of our economy will disintegrate.

Why do the banking elites want a crash in the U.S.? There are numerous reasons and gains to be had. For an in-depth explanation, I recommend my article 'The Economic End Game Explained.' To summarize, globalists are setting the stage for what they often refer to as the "global economic reset." 

This reset is essentially a major crisis event which will be exploited by globalists to centralize the system even further, into a one world currency and one world economy, governed by the banking elites through institutions like the IMF and the BIS.

The U.S. economy and the U.S. dollar must be diminished in order for this to happen. And with conservatives supposedly "in control" of the U.S. government and the U.S. economy at the time of the crash, guess who is slated to get the blame? I'll give you a hint: Not the central bankers...

Friends, we don't know WHEN this could happen.  Maybe it has already started and TODAY will be the last great day that America ever has?  It could be all downhill from here?  

But, on the other hand, maybe God isn't done using America quite yet and He allows the faith and confidence to build up again and Donald Trump is the instrument He uses to Make America Great Again?
But here is one thing we do know for sure;  Jesus said that we should work while there is daylight because night is coming. 

Friends, when the USA implodes, the night will be upon the earth.  The leader and protector of the free world will be unable to function any longer and people will not like the darkness that flows in to fill the vacuum.

We hope and pray that the rapture comes BEFORE the collapse of America.  That is our blessed hope.

John 9
As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.

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