
Thursday, December 20, 2018

USA; Culture of Despair

Do you think there has EVER been a society on planet earth where the 9-10-11 yr old kids are so depressed and filled with despair that they end up killing themselves?  How is this possible?  How is it possible that suicide rates of 15-24 yr old young people are up by 30% in the past few years?

Simply put, when we teach our kids the lie about evolution and how we all just accidentally came from rocks and dust billions of years ago and then go on to ridicule the Truth of Jesus Christ, this is what you can expect would happen.

Also when you factor in social media and the pressure these kids have to perform 24 hours per becomes a caustic mix to be a young person in America.  Many are concluding that the best option is to just take themselves out of their misery.

For the third year in a row, according to a November report from the Centers for Disease Control, American life expectancy dropped.

The last time this happened was a century ago, in the years 1915-1918, years marked by our entry into World War I and the outbreak of the "Spanish Flu" pandemic, which killed 675,000 Americans.

This time, neither war nor pestilence is behind the drop in life expectancy. The threats are not external, but internal.

The biggest factors behind the drop in life expectancy among Americans over the last three years are drug overdoses and suicides. In 2017, more than 70,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, and approximately 45,000 people intentionally took their own lives.

These deaths, along with alcohol-related deaths, have been dubbed "deaths of despair" by researchers Anne Case and Angus Deaton.

The "despair" referred to by Case and Deaton is largely economic, resulting from diminished job prospects and other personal disappointments. As Case put it, "Your family life has fallen apart, you don't know your kids anymore, all the things you expected when you started out your life just haven't happened at all."

As a result, people, usually but not always men, turn to alcohol and drugs to ease their pain. An increasing number take their own lives.

Certainly, Case and Deaton's explanation is partially true. But it doesn't explain the 30-percent rise in suicide rates among 15-to-24 year-olds, who haven't experienced these kinds of disappointments. Nor does material deprivation explain why the suicide rate among African Americans and Hispanics is only about a third that of white Americans despite being, on average, poorer.

Something else is going on. And it's related to the word "despair."

Still the question remains, "What is the source of this despair?" The answer lies in Aquinas' words "share in the goodness of God." Put simply, Americans place their hope in the wrong thing.

There is a popular song playing on Christian radio today by David Crowder.  It's called ALL MY HOPE IS IN JESUS.  How true are those words?!  But, our youth today are openly rejecting Jesus, the Bible and eternal life promised ONLY through Him.  They end up putting all their hope in social media fame, number of "likes" on Facebook or Instagram, illicit drugs, illicit sex and material things.  Of course ALL OF THESE THINGS end up being a terrible disappointment...which leads to crushing despair.  And of course this is EXACTLY how the Evil One wants it!!

This news of our kids killing themselves should not surprise us.  When a nation turns away from the ONE TRUE GOD, despair is the result.

Lord help us!  We don't know what we are doing!

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