
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Jews Believe Messiah is Coming Very Soon

You really need to check out this article written by a Jew who was given the task to report on THEIR coming Messiah.  After reporting on all the news of the coming Jewish messiah, this reporter is convinced he is coming soon.

Please remember that practicing Jews, including the above mentioned reporter, don't believe that Jesus came as Messiah 2000 years ago, so certainly don't believe He is coming again to rule and reign on David's throne.  So they are still looking for THEIR Messiah...and the Bible, including the words of Jesus, would seem to indicate that they will accept the Antichrist as their Messiah.  When he turns on them 3 1/2 years into confirming a 7 year peace agreement, they will realize they were dead wrong.  And that's when all hell will break loose before Christ returns to put an end to it all.

Four and a half years ago, I was hired by Breaking Israel News to write feature articles about the geula (redemption). It was a subject no other Jewish or Israeli news site covered and nine years of intensive study in yeshiva left me disturbingly unprepared to write about a subject so essential to my religion. The publisher, Rabbi Tuly Weisz, asked me if I would be able to find material for an article every day. How could I write a daily report on something the Jewish people been waiting for 2,000 years? Would my daily headlines read “Still Waiting”? Desperate for a job, I assured him I could though, in my heart, I doubted that seriously.

Nearly 2,000 articles have been posted since that first meeting and not a single headline has read “Still Waiting.” Shockingly, on only two occasions did I fail to find a geula article in time for the 9:00 AM meeting with my editor. I think I can safely say that according to all reports, the Messiah is quickly approaching. Though skeptics will say that these signs have been present throughout the exile, objectively speaking, they are wrong. We are no longer in the exile. We live in unprecedented times when wondrous events are taking place daily. Those who do not want to see will overlook the obvious and those who wish to see will be amazed.
I have collected articles in a retrospective of what I believe are the most remarkable proofs that the Messiah is making progress. The signs are so numerous that there are many I chose not to include: fish in the Dead Sea, Aliyah to Israel as the Ingathering of the Exiles, Israel being a technological light unto the world, the miraculous survival of Israel in the face of overwhelming aggression. These, as well as many other aspects of Israel, are all undoubtedly miraculous. But if I started down that road, there would be no end to the miracles. The examples I give below are not meant to be an exhaustive list of everything that makes up the process that will culminate in the Messiah. Perhaps one day I will write that article. But only after the Messiah has arrived and there is nothing new to write.
See what Jesus told the Jews.  Many believe this is one of numerous passages that point the idea that the Jews will accept the Antichrist as their Messiah.  They will even let him into their newly rebuilt 3rd Temple, according to the Prophet Daniel.
John 5:43   I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.

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