
Monday, December 24, 2018

God is Always in Control so Have a Merry Christmas!

Yes it’s true, this blessed nation of America is giving up its faith in Jesus Christ and jettisoning the fear of the Lord that served to make us great. It’s tragic that America is boarding up 6000 churches per year as the younger generations want nothing to do with worshipping their Creator.  Instead they have been taught by public education to worship Mother Earth and the amazing life forms she has brought forth by random chance and evolution. Mother Earth keeps no track of sin so in their minds there is no sin!  A near majority of these Americans want a one world government.  One that could combat global warming, implement universal gun control and redistribute all the wealth to make the world “fair”.  
Rejoice brothers and sisters because the Bible has told us all along this is how it would be!  Jesus is coming back for His bride just as He promised!  And what we are seeing converge upon us is more evidence that our blessed hope is very near.
These who form the dark movement to bring America into compliance with the new world order, who are determined to destroy America as founded, look for the one God’s Word calls “the abomination that makes desolate” (see Daniel 9). They are looking for the great political leadership that will correct the horrendous mess they, themselves, have made of things. They are looking for the advent of Antichrist.
But, we who name the Name of Christ Jesus can take assurance as we observe Christmas 2018. We look back to that First Advent and that baby in the manger as proof that God the Father is still in complete control. All the evil we see tracking across the geopolitical and religious landscape is right on target to fulfill that great promise that the Second Advent–the Second Coming of Christ–is on the immediate horizon.
The first phase of that Second Advent will be the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ. Convergence of events prove beyond any doubt to the discerning believer that great event is about to happen.
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28).
Now that promise straight from the heart of God is certainly reason to have a very Merry Christmas!

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