
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Trump Tells Turkey, “Syria is All Yours”

It seems as if the table continues to be set for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39. Turkey, Russia and Iran all have troops in Syria on Israel’s northern border and now USA, one of Israel’s protectors, is bugging out. Many prophecy watchers believe this event will happen AFTER the rapture. If that’s true we should NOT be surprised if we hear a loud trumpet blow some day really soon!  Encourage each other with these words!
As US troops prepare to pull out from Syria, CNN reports that Turkey's Erdogan assured President Trump in a heated phone conversation that his country will continue to fight terrorism in the war-torn state until IS is defeated.
On Wednesday, President Trump announced the withdrawal of all US troops from Syria, which has been sharply criticized by many, especially by America's Kurdish allies, who may well face a Turkish assault once US troops leave, and had been staunchly opposed by the Pentagon.,7340,L-5432279,00.html

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