
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Israel-Iran Showdown Coming

Netanyahu has promised that he won't allow Iran to take root in Syria.  We read that on Tuesday night the skies around Damascus lit up as the IDF took out numerous targets with many of them reportedly having something to do with Iranian munitions.

Trump announced he was pulling out of Syria so we are guessing that a power vacuum is going to transpire and Israel says Iran WILL NOT FILL IT.  Meanwhile Iran has announced THEY WILL FILL some thing's going to have to give.

Israel will not let Iran embed its troops in Syria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday, a day after an airstrike attributed to Israel reportedly targeted Hezbollah or Iranian weapons depots in the war-torn country. 

"Israel is operating against the Iranian entrenchment in Syria," the prime minister told new pilots at an Israel Air Force graduation ceremony.

Tuesday night's missile strikes triggered Syrian air defenses, with one of the anti-aircraft missiles crossing the border into Israeli airspace. The missile set off Israel's own air defenses, with residents of the center of the country reporting hearing a loud boom and seeing smoke trails. Russia, which has a sizeable presence in Syria backing President Bashar Assad, later called the airstrike "provocative" and said it endangered two civilian passenger jets.  

Israel traditionally does not confirm or deny airstrikes it carries out against targets in Syria, but has vowed to prevent the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror group from acquiring advanced weaponry via Syria. Both the Lebanese-based Hezbollah and Iran have a presence in Syria, ostensibly to help oust Islamic State from the country. Israel has warned against Iran taking root on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, along the Israeli border.

"The State of Israel is counting on you, and I'm counting on you," Netanyahu told the new pilots Wednesday at the ceremony at Hatzerim air base in the Negev. "I accompany our pilots all the time, usually in the wee hours of the night when I stay awake next to the red phone to hear from the military secretary that the mission, complex as it may be, was successfully carried out and that all our forces have safely returned home."

Netanyahu also commented on the American withdrawal from Syria, stating Israel would not change its policy.

"Protecting our homeland begins nipping major threats in the bud. We'll not accept Iranian entrenchment in Syria, which is meant to harm us and we are acting to eradicate it. US President Donald Trump's decision to pull out from Syria doesn't change our policy. Our red lines remain the same—in Syria and everywhere else," he said.  


Israel lives in a tough neighborhood.  Any sign of backing down or compromise is interpreted as fear and fear is something that you don't want to show.

The Bible promises that once Israel has been regathered from the nations that she will NEVER be totally destroyed again.  God himself will be their ultimate protector during the Great Tribulation. They will go through an ENORMOUS amount of pain, suffering and death during this time, but they will never be totally destroyed.  Zechariah prophesies that as many as 2/3 of the world's Jews will be killed in that final holocaust.  Those days will be cut short by the physical return of Jesus to planet earth.

Amen!  Come Lord Jesus!

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