
Monday, December 10, 2018

Pope Calls for Israel to Give Up Land for Peace

How do you make peace with a group of people who say everyday that they want to kill you and your entire family?

According to the Pope (a good candidate to be the False Prophet mentioned in Revelation) you should give them a bunch of your land.

Pope Francis on Monday called for the implementation of a “two-state solution” to solve the Israel-Palestinian Arab conflict.

His comments came during a meeting with Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas at the Vatican.

The PA’s official news agency Wafa said that Abbas briefed the Pope on the latest developments in “Palestine” and the implications of the US decision recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving its embassy to the city.

He also briefed him on alleged “Israeli violations against the Palestinian people, their land and holy places, particularly in Jerusalem.”

A statement issued by the Vatican said the two discussed “the path of reconciliation among the Palestinian people, as well as the efforts to reactivate the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians, and to reach a two-state solution, hoping for a renewed commitment on the part of the international community to meet the legitimate aspirations of both peoples.”

We probably don't need to remind our readers that the Pope invited a Muslim Imam to offer public prayers at the Vatican.  Sadly, many Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists and other "main stream" Christian faiths believe that since the Muslims claim Abraham as their father that Judaism, Islam and Christianity are all related and so must all be worshipping the same god.

This isn't true.  The Bible clearly refers to the One True God as the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" and that salvation would come through the Jews and that Isaac would be the Son of Promise.  

Muslims, of course, reject this and say it's all a lie and that Abraham had Ishmael with the slave girl Haggar, (true) and that the promises from Allah come through him. (false)

Someone is lying here...and it's clear that the Muslims have fallen for a lie laid out 1500 years ago by the Father of All Lies...which is Satan himself.

"I am the way, the truth and the life.  NO MAN comes to the Father except through me."--Jesus

Since Muslims reject's clear that they are currently on the wide road that leads to destruction.

That's EXACTLY the reason that followers of Christ need to EVANGELIZE Muslims....not appease their false beliefs.

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