
Saturday, December 8, 2018

CBS Paying Hush Money

Remember when CBS ran a story 24-7 about Trump paying hush money to a porn star he fornicated with 15 years ago?  They were “outraged” by this behavior.  Now we find that their president, Les Moonves, was a pervert for years and that CBS has been paying hush money to their own skeletons they don’t want the world to know about.  It’s funny but it seems that everyone who jumps on Trump seems to have the crap they fling at him come right back into their faces. Remember how Charlie Rose vanished from CBS on account of his perversion? Clearly they have a bad culture and everyone enjoys seeing hypocrites fall.
Following the exits of CBS CEO Leslie Moonves and “60 Minutes” boss Jeff Fager, an outside investigation has found that CBS has paid more than $5 million as part of a settlement with a woman who accused “60 Minutes” series creator Don Hewitt of sexual assault.
On Thursday, the New York Times published pieces of a draft report from the investigation, which was launched by the CBS board to look into the company’s workplace culture following multiple accusations of sexual misconduct by Moonves and at “60 Minutes.”
According to the Times, the settlement was first reached more than 20 years ago when the company determined that “her allegations were credible,” and it has since paid out more than $5 million in total in exchange for the unnamed woman’s silence.
Representatives for CBS and CBS News did not immediately return TheWrap’s request for comment.
According to the Times, the investigation also found that the success of “60 Minutes” and its independence from the rest of CBS News “permitted misconduct by some ’60 Minutes’ employees,” including former senior producer Michael Radutzky and current producer Ira Rosen.

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