
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Science Confirms Adam & Eve

Bible readers have known all along that life doesn’t come from non-life.  There is a Creator.  He created a male and female and all humans descended from this pair.  Now science is confirming it even though the researchers “fought against it as hard as I could.”  Of course they did!  They don’t want to admit there’s a creator because then they would have to admit they will be responsible to Him.
Their findings are so contrary to current evolutionary thought that they found it almost impossible to believe. “This conclusion is very surprising,” said Thaler, “and I fought against it as hard as I could.”
From the first line in the article (emphasis mine throughout): “All modern humans descended from a solitary pair.” From the second paragraph: “Scientists surveyed the genetic ‘bar codes’ of five million animals – including humans – from 100,000 different species and deduced that we sprang from a single pair of adults after a catastrophic event almost wiped out the human race.”
Now, to be sure, they are off on their timeline by about 94,000 years. They’ve got it right that there was a “catastrophic event that almost wiped out the human race,” which of course we know is actually a reference to the flood of Noah’s day, though they haven’t figured that part out yet. But give them time. They finally got to Adam and Eve, they’ll eventually come around on the rest.

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