
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Rabbi Thinks Ezekiel’s War is Close

For the last 10 years we have been watching and posting about the coalition of Russia, Iran, Turkey and some North African Muslim nations that will come against Israel in the Last Days.  Many refer to this coalition as the Ezekiel Coalition.  And they war mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39 is referred to as Ezekiel's War and/or The War of Gog-Magog

As my long-time readers know, this coalition of Russia, Iran and Turkey has now come together for the first time in human history.  Not only are prophecy-watching-followers of Christ seeing it but so are the Jews who reject Christ as messiah.

Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a prolific end-of days author and prominent Torah scholar, believes Russia’s influence in the situation developing to the north of Israel adds strong Messianic overtones.
“Russia is very Magog-like,” Rabbi Winston told Breaking Israel News. “Hashgacha pratit (Divine intervention) is always there, pushing things towards geula (redemption), vacillating from the obvious to the not-so-obvious.”
“Iran is another major power and Syria, who really has no power, is the power broker, balancing between communism and Shiism,” Rabbi Winston said. “At this point, anything, even something that seems insignificant, could be a trigger for the War of Gog and Magog.”
“During the Obama administration, America squandered decades of work at getting the Soviet Union out of the Middle East,” Rabbi Spiro said. “They were out of the picture. Now, communism has reemerged as Putinism and Russia has reentered the Middle East with a vengeance, aligning with Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah.”
“Now, perhaps more than ever, these developing alliances could be an end-of-days, potentially Gog and Magog scenario,” Rabbi Spiro warned.
Iran is strutting around like a peacock but if Trump decides to deal with them, he will wipe them out. Nations today should learn not to mess with him.”


That's funny!  A famous Rabbi says that the nations on earth should learn not to mess with Trump.

Also please remember that Jesus tells the Jews that even though they never accepted him as Messiah when he became a man 2000 years ago, THEY WILL accept the antichrist when he shows up.  So when the Jews are saying the "messianic age" is approaching, they are actually talking about the time when the antichrist will show up AFTER the rapture and THEY will allow him to sit in the 3rd Temple and declare himself to be God.

When that happens, the Jews will realize they have been tricked and will flee to the mountains...and 3 1/2 years later Jesus will show up on earth to rescue the remnant of the Jews who finally realize that Jesus was the promised Messiah all along and they will cry for Jesus to return to earth and save them.

Pretty darn exciting times friends!  Are you ready for what's coming?

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