
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Surprise! Muslim Congresswomen Lied

Voters recently elected to send 2 Muslim women to Congress.  It should come as no surprise that they said one thing about Israel and Jews to get elected and once elected.

FROM GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Less known is that both women deceived voters about their positions on Israel. Both women, at some point during their rise in electoral politics, led voters — especially Jewish voters — to believe that they held moderate views on Israel. After being elected, both women reversed their positions and now say they are committed to sanctioning the Jewish state.
America’s first two Muslim congresswomen are now both on record as appearing to oppose Israel’s right to exist. They both support the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. Both are also explicitly or implicitly opposed to continuing military aid to Israel, as well as to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — an outcome that would establish a Palestinian state alongside Israel. Instead, they favor a one-state solution — an outcome that many analysts believe would, due to demographics over time, replace the Jewish state with a unitary Palestinian state.
In her acceptance speech, delivered without an American flag, Congresswoman-elect Omar opened her speech in Arabic with the greeting, “As-Salam Alaikum, (peace be upon you), alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah), alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.” She continued: “I stand here before you tonight as your congresswoman-elect with many firsts behind my name. The first woman of color to represent our state in Congress. The first woman to wear a hijab. The first refugee ever elected to Congress. And one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress.”


How tragic that Minnesota has become so deluded that WE sent this woman to D.C. to be a representative of our state!!

The liberals are so ignorant here that they are incapable of understanding just how hateful the religion of Islam is.  In their ignorance they have falsely believed that Islam is simply another denomination like Lutheran or Methodist and are PROUD to stand up for believers of this demonic doctrine which calls Jesus Christ a liar and totally incapable of saving us from our sins.

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