
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Our Greatest Threat in Thousands of Years?

We are now being told by the godless that climate change is the greatest threat facing humans in thousands of years.

Ummmmm….did you ever hear the true story about Noah's Ark and how God destroyed a whole bunch of stuff on planet earth because of the godlessness, perversion and violence that had taken over the entire world?

British broadcaster and environmentalist David Attenborough on Monday urged world leaders, meeting in Poland to agree on ways to limit global warming, to get on and tackle “our greatest threat in thousands of years.”
Known for countless nature films, Attenborough has gained prominence recently with his “Blue Planet II” series, which highlighted the devastating effect of pollution on the oceans.
“Leaders of the world, you must lead,” said the naturalist, given a “People’s seat” at the two-week UN climate conference in the Polish coal city of Katowice alongside two dozen heads of state and government.
“The continuation of our civilizations and the natural world upon which we depend, is in your hands,” he said.

Clearly he was never taught the song HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS in Sunday school when he was a child.

This world isn't going to come to a screeching halt until the Creator says so.

Take care of the planet....but don't start worshipping Mother Earth.  Worship the Creator!  Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and remember that Jesus left his followers here on earth to be SALT AND LIGHT to a dying planet filled with billions of lost souls.

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