
Friday, December 7, 2018

Woman Is Offensive so Use Womxn Instead

In this strange new world we live in someone is perpetually offended all the time.  The offended folks claim they can be triggered by just about anything!  Today we read that the word woman is offensive to some people,  but we aren’t sure why.  Nevertheless we need to start using the word womxn instead to promote intersectionality...whatever that is.
Students at Goldsmiths, University of London and King’s College have stopped using the word “woman” because it is not inclusive enough. In it’s place, students have begun to use the word “womxn,” which was created to “promote intersectionality.”
“We are opening up to the idea that binary conceptions of gender are unnecessarily rigid and don’t correspond to the self-image of a great many people and even that people’s sense of their gender may not correspond to their biological sex,” Columbia University Professor John McWhorter wrote about new words like “womxn.”

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