
Friday, December 14, 2018

The Coming Bankruptcy of The American Empire

For over 10 yrs now we have blogged on the fact that America's financial system is backed by "the full faith and confidence in the US Government."

Hmmmm… what happens if the world loses FAITH and/or CONFIDENCE in the ability of the US Government to pay back the trillions of dollars it owes?

We ran across this article today from The American Conservative with this paragraph in it;

When the world loses confidence in the American government’s ability to pay its debt, or the interest rate on our debt becomes unsustainably high, choices will have to be made. No more kicking the can down the road, no more 10-year projections to balance the budget. Congress, in a state of emergency, will have to take a buzzsaw to appropriations. And the empire will be the first thing to go.

Just like its warfare state, the government’s welfare state has plenty of internal calamities. But while it might be the preference of some megalomaniacal globalists to let the proles starve while preserving overseas holdings, it’s not going to happen. What would transpire if Social Security checks stopped showing up in mailboxes and Medicare benefits got cut off? When presented with that choice, will the average American choose his social safety net or continued funding for far-flung bases in Stuttgart, Okinawa, and Djibouti? Even the most militaristic congressperson will know which way to vote, lest they find a mob waiting outside their D.C. castles.

Neoconservatives constantly harp on the danger of vacuums. Without a U.S. presence, the logic goes, more sinister forces will take over. What happens when American troops must be evacuated from all over the world because we can’t afford to keep them there anymore? There’s no debate, no weighing of options, and no choice. If the money isn’t there, the money isn’t there. Nothing could tie the hands of America’s military more than a debt crisis. And if one happens, it will be in part because those same neoconservative intellectuals preached a multi-trillion-dollar global war to remake humanity in our image. Hubris leads to downfall.


Do you remember from history class when the British Empire ruled a huge part of the known world?  And where are they today?  Just a 2nd rate player who had to give up their empire and mind their own business at home.

The problem with America losing it's empire is that our dollar is the Reserve Currency of the entire world.  It will cause massive problems.

The other problem that will swamp the whole world will be, WHO will carry the torch for freedom on planet earth if America isn't around anymore?  Who will fill the vacuum?  Russia?  China?  Japan? Turkey?  Iran?

Or maybe a good-old-fashioned world war will result and the nations of the world will have their boundaries redrawn again?

We don't know exactly what it would look like but we know it wouldn't be pretty or pleasant.

We continue to hope that America and our financial system stay strong until the rapture of the church, and that the disappearance of millions of Americans will be the final straw that sucks the confidence and faith right out of the American system.

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