
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Another Day, Another Top Catholic Convicted of Perversion

Jesus clearly told us that we will know who our brothers and sisters in Christ are by the fruit that they bear.  He also said that it would be better to tie a millstone around your neck and throw yourself into the sea rather than harm a young child who is a believer in Jesus.

Now think of some Catholic Cardinal who CLAIMS to be a very important Christian and yet is taking little boys into his office and forcing his wiener upon these poor lads....and they think he is a great man of God!

Is this GOOD FRUIT all these thousands of Catholic priests have been bearing?  Of course not!  It's more signs that the devil himself was behind the formation of the Catholic church.  It's filled with rot, lies, cover ups and doctrines of demons.

FROM THE DAILY BEAST: A unanimous jury returned its verdict for Cardinal George Pell on Tuesday (Australian time) after more than three days of deliberations, the sources said, in a trial conducted under a gag order by the judge that prevented any details of the trial being made public.
Pell, the Vatican’s finance chief and the highest Vatican official to ever go on trial for sex abuse, left Rome in June 2017 to stand trial in Melbourne.
This dude was the THIRD HIGHEST CATHOLIC IN THE WORLD.  Some thought he was in line to be the next Pope!
Of course the world looks as these headlines and says, "Those dang, nasty, perverted, hypocritical Christians!  They are always wagging their fingers and judging others and here we continue to find out that THEY are nastier perverts and porn addicts than the people who don't go to church!!  I don't want anything to do with their Gospel or their money-hungry church!"
And are they wrong?  Are Catholics teaching true doctrine?  Are the vast majority of Catholics who preach, teach and believe the false doctrines actually followers of Christ?
Next question;  If someone CLAIMS to be a Christian and/or follower of Christ...does that mean they are automatically telling the truth?
If a wolf claims to be a sheep...does that automatically mean they are telling the truth?
"But Dennis, now you are just being speciephobic!  If a wolf knows he is a sheep trapped in a wolf's body then you need to believe him, tolerate him and celebrate his coming out!  Quit being a judgmental, intolerant bigot!"

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