
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Demons Are Coming Masquerading as Aliens

2 Thessalonians warns about a great delusion that will come for those people on earth left behind after the rapture.  In the past 70 yrs the world has been inundated with “alien” talk.  Movies, TV shows, Star Trek, books and school kids being taught evolution.  We are now sufficiently prepped to believe the lie.  When the “aliens” come people will be more than happy to accept them and believe their lies.  Paul warns about “doctrines of Demons” in the Last Days.
The year was 1984 and my father was terminally ill. He had to sleep sitting up. I used to visit him on most nights and often stayed till he fell asleep. Through April of 1985, he began to reminisce about his work. He told me that the Germans were 100-200 years ahead of us in physics applications when it came to flight and the physics of flight. His job was to reverse engineer the concepts. He told me that the Germans told him that the knowledge came from aliens, but they had never met them. It was my father’s belief that the technology came from satanic demons, not aliens. However, he became aware of Operation Blue Beam, though his work as a Naval Intelligence Officer. He told me that one day, there would be a great deception and demons masquerading as aliens would make their presence known on the Earth as they had done before.
Before his death, my father admonished me to say nothing about the things we discussed because my mother could very well lose both his pensions after his death for revealing classified information. So I was publicly silent until 2015 when I no longer had to be. However, I had some interesting personal encounters that reinforced what my father had told me on a number of fronts, but in particular, the reality of demons and their bad intentions for humanity.

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