
Monday, January 7, 2019

Colleges Are Breeding Grounds for Civil War

We have pointed out quite a few headlines as of late about America heading for a Civil War.  We aren't sure how much longer the extreme division in this country can last.  At some point there has to be a breaking point.

We are also very aware that the colleges of America are spitting out Democrat-leftist-liberals faster than they can cash the tuition checks.  Ironically many of those tuition checks are written by Conservative Republicans who have paid for our kids to go to these leftist-making factories.

Too harsh?  Hmmm....not sure how else to say it.

We have become a nation of angry people. Too many of us carry a chip on our shoulder and find racism everywhere, sexism everywhere, misogyny rampant, homophobia out of control. It is no wonder we have masked leftists lashing out with violence, a new congresswoman making profanity-laced speeches demanding President Trump’s impeachment. We now have a Democrat majority House of Representatives with scores of avowed communists in their ranks who are in no mood to cooperate with the system as founded, but to overturn it.
Heather MacDonald, political commentator, essayist, attorney, and journalist says that universities and colleges in America today are breeding grounds for hate and planting seeds for civil war. Students are being trained by cultural Marxists in faculty and administration and it’s been going on for decades.
They have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the ways of socialist dogma. The last several generations of these zombies are now pushing their way to the forefront to see their ethics become universal. They are mean, angry and determined. Their rhetoric has become so vile, the next step can only be mass violence. The Democrat leadership can hide it no longer. They have been overrun by these zombie-like clones bent on crushing this country and are being fed and nurtured by the current leadership that dares not go against their will, lest they lose their power.

With the help and assistance of the Democrat Party, these young socialists have been given enough comfort, consolation, and confidence to now demand change and they will not accept anything less. With millions of illegal aliens in this country with little experience and understanding of a strong democratic republic, Democrats have prepared an evil brew. Where this will lead is too horrible to contemplate.
We, for too long, trusted the education system and our political institutions and while we were not looking they turned our children into enemies of the state.

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