
Monday, January 7, 2019

Trans-regretters Are Now Coming Out of the Closet

The left LOVES stories about people coming out of the closet!  They love emotional pieces written about gays, lesbians, transgenders, bisexuals and queers announcing to the world their new found identities.

But now we have stories about transgender people coming out of the closet to tell us of their regrets about changing their sex.

We wonder if the left will embrace these folks "out of the closet" stories as well?

We won't hold our breath.

Dozens of trans-regretters now are “out of the closet,” based on their profiles in a new book that disproves the social-agenda claims that a man is a woman if that’s what he says he feels like.

It is Stella Morabito who wrote at the Federalist about Walt Heyer’s newest project, “Trans Life SURVIVORS.”

Heyer, as Morabito explains, changed sex surgically and lived as a woman for nearly a decade. He later obtained therapy that helped him recognize trauma during his childhood, which left behind a condition known as dissociative identity disorder.

Understanding that, the report explains, “His gender dysphoria simply vanished. His life as a ‘woman’ all amounted to an attempt to escape reality.”

He regretted not only his surgically changed body, but “the estrangement from his wife and children.”

His book, then, is not a personal story, but a compilation of stories from those trapped in “transmania,” Morabito said.

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