
Monday, January 21, 2019

Democrat Apologizes for Former Gay Beliefs

Have you heard the one about the Democrat woman who announced she is running for President?  It seems that years ago she was raised as a conservative Christian and believed what the Bible said about sex outside of marriage and that gay sex was not in God's plan for mankind.

Of course now that she is a Democrat many people are pointing out her previous beliefs.  I guess if they can point out what Judge Kavanaugh did in High School they should apply the same metric to her?

Facing renewed scrutiny after she announced her bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, Representative Tulsi Gabbard apologized Thursday for espousing views against gay marriage in the past, calling them “wrong, and worse, hurtful.”
“I grew up knowing that every person is a child of God, and equally loved by God. I have always believed in the fundamental rights and equality of all people,” Gabbard said in her apology. “But I also grew up in a socially conservative household, where I was raised to believe that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. For a period of my life I didn’t see the contradiction in those beliefs.”
“My views have changed significantly since then,” the Hawaii Democrat added.
In the early 2000s, Gabbard touted her work for her father’s organization, the Alliance for Traditional Marriage, when she was running for a seat in the Hawaii state legislature. She fought against what she described as “homosexual extremists” and objected to a proposed resolution condemning anti-gay bullying, saying it was “inviting homosexual-advocacy organizations into our schools to promote their agenda to our vulnerable youth.”
Since then, however, the congresswoman has become a member of the House LGBT Equality Caucus, promoted numerous pieces of pro-LGBT legislation, and earned the endorsement of the LGBT-rights group Human Rights Campaign.
Gabbard previously apologized in 2012 for her past opposition to gay marriage, but her comments recently surfaced again, prompting her latest apology.

It would be our hope that the Democrats run themselves around a pole chasing statements that their candidates made 20-40 years ago so that they can't find any credible candidate to run in 2020.

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