
Monday, January 21, 2019

Dems Appoint Anti-Semite Muslim Woman

And the Democrats just keep getting more outlandish every single day!

On the one hand they can't stop seething that Karen Pence volunteers at a Christian school that supports biblical teachings...but on the other hand they would NEVER dream of questioning a Muslim on WHY she has to wear a head covering (will she be beaten by the men in her family if she doesn't?) and why her religion of Islam won't tolerate gays, gay marriage but DOES support polygamy but REFUSES to accept Israel's right to exist.

What else can you call it except DELUSIONAL?

Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar was appointed to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, a move that has drawn heavy criticism of her party’s leadership due to Omar’s positions on Israel.
Omar, a Muslim woman from Somalia, has a history of posting anti-Israel messages on social media, some of which have resulted in accusations of overt anti-Semitism. In one 2012 tweet, Omar exclaimed, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”
On Thursday, Omar defended the tweets in an interview with CNN.
She also refused to back down regarding comments she made this week about Republican Congressman Lindsey Graham, whom she labelled “comprised” in connection with his support for U.S. President Donald Trump over the ongoing federal government shutdown.
During the interview, Omar struggled to provide one piece of evidence for her theory, claiming that her opinion and conclusions represent proof of the conspiracy. Fox News reported that Omar’s “compromised” comment was interpreted as a homophobic dog whistle in certain quarters.
Omar raised eyebrows immediately following her election victory when she promptly reversed course on her position on BDS. During the campaign, Omar told a crowd of 1,000 people at a Minneapolis area synagogue that she deems BDS “unhelpful” and does not advocate anti-Israel boycotts.
"Good will be called evil and evil will be called good."
Yep!  The liberals hate the TRUTH of Jesus Christ but are willing to embrace every other pagan, heathen, demonic religion on earth!  Truly the Democrats are becoming the Party of the Antichrist.
Please pray for President Trump and other GOP leaders that they can stand in these last days against these forces of evil.

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