
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Global Warming Has Gone Past the Point of No Return

I honestly don't doubt the science that tells us that putting this many tons of CO2 into the atmosphere will trap more sun light which will create more heat that will warm our planet.  Maybe that part is settled science.  But my world view isn't worried about whether the earth is going to get colder or hotter, whether Pakistan is going to nuke India and cause a nuclear winter or whether Yellowstone volcano is going to erupt and end the world as we know it.  I'm not worried about it because I know that God is not sitting on His throne biting his fingernails saying "What am I gonna do now?"  This world is not going to end until Jesus says so.  The Bible says that the very last days are going to get SOOOO bad that if Jesus didn't return to cut the Tribulation short then no flesh would survive.

Do I think the world is groaning as the nearness of this day approaches?


So check out this article about a dude who seems to be pretty upset and even panicked about how global warming is going to melt all the glaciers, melt the permafrost and put an end to the world as we have known it.

Also please note this paragraph from the article.

I find my deepest conviction and connection to the Earth by communing with the mountains. I moved to Colorado and lived among them when I was in my early 20s, and it was there I began to deepen my relationship with them, and to really listen to them. I would hike out and just sit among the peaks, watching them for hours, and write about them in my journal. Today I know in my bones that my job is to learn to listen to them ever more deeply, and to share what they are telling us with those who are also listening.

Really??  Are the mountains really going to tell you about climate change?  Are they really going to tell you the story of WHO created them?  Are they really going to convict you of your sin and offer you eternal life if you accept what they say?

It is my observation that most of these people who are terrified of global warming would refer to themselves as "spiritual".  In their worldview it doesn't matter who or what your god is or what you believe about the afterlife....just so you do some good things (recycle your trash, ride a bike to work, etc...) and that you are a 'spiritual person'.

The author above loves the mountains.  Nothing wrong with do I!

But can you REALLY have a relationship with the mountains?  Can you really listen to them give you words of wisdom?  Can you really feel it in your bones that the mountains are talking to you?

And here lies the big problem that will most certainly put an end to America as we know it.  You see there are an ever larger number of these people who are voters in our elections yet have NO PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST.  They worship the created things like nature and mountains, so their thinking becomes foolish and futile.  How long can a nation exist that has rejected the truth about God and instead choose to worship and serve their goddess, Mother Nature?

Romans 1
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

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