
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

One-Eyed Calf Worshipped As a God in India

Poor little calf!  Born all deformed and can hardly breathe!

But that doesn't stop the Indians from stopping by to worship the deformed animal as one of their gods.

Just remember what Oprah and lots of Lutherans, Methodists and Catholics will tell you, "We are all worshipping the same god, we just use different names and have different methods of worshipping!"

Really??  That HAS to be one of the most ignorant statements I've ever heard.  This deformed calf has nothing to do with Jesus Christ!  Muhammad has NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ.  Buddha has NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ!  The list goes on and on.

Here's the truth;  if you aren't worshipping Jesus Christ as the Creator God who shed His blood to atone for your sins, then you are worshipping a false god put before the earth by Satan.

"You are either for me or against me."--Jesus

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