
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Muslim Doctor Story...Media Ignores

Can you even imagine the media coverage if a Christian white male doctor in Ohio bragged about purposely giving wrong med to blacks or Muslims?  The media would cover it 24 hours per day and Black Lives Matter would start marching!  But since it’s a Muslim woman doing the bragging against Jews the media is totally silent.
The mainstream media in America has completely ignored a bombshell story about a Muslim doctor in in Ohio who admitted to deliberately giving Jewish people the wrong medications.
27-year-old Lara Kollab was fired from her position as an Internal Medicine Resident at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, after tweets were uncovered in which she spread anti-Semitic hatred on Twitter for at least 6 years.
The tweets, collected by the Canary Mission website, include trivilization of the Holocaust, open support for terrorist groups and comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany.
However, by far the most disturbing tweet was her response to another Twitter user when she remarked, “Hahha ewww..ill purposely give all the yahood the wrong meds.”


  1. Curious. How does she, the Muslim doctor, both trivialize the Holocaust and then use the comparison of Israel to Nazi Germany as a negative?

  2. Because she is a Muslim woman she can say anything she wants and no one in the Western media would ever think to question it. :)
